Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's in the Box?

So what's in the box?
On the other side it says 'Business Cards'. Could be a clue.

Yup, it's cards! Moo do good stock business cards in full colour on both sides. They're not cheap, but they are good. (And who wants business cards that look cheap?)

You can use their designs, or your own - for my work, pictures of aircraft that I've taken aren't hard to come by, and with a bit of careful selection, we can make a wall of cards...

LOTS of cards! Only problem is I don't want to give them out. Oh, and the other only problem I know from previous experience is people find it hard to choose which card they want...

We've now used Moo several times, and are very happy with the service, as are our friends who have also used them. It seems a bit odd buying cards at a US dollar price from the UK to ship to Australia, but it works. The small business cards (MiniCards) are fun things too. The turnaround was very quick.

A fun parcel to open.


(Moo is at - no we aren't getting anything for recommending them, we just reckon they're worth passing on.)


Brett said...

I second the recommendation -- I bought some of the minicards a few years ago (I don't think they had the full size ones then), with images from my website. I never really handed out enough to justify buying them, but they are so nifty I don't much care :)

eileenr said...

I was just looking at their site last weekend. I need business cards and heck, I just like cards in general (so I was looking at the minis too). Found another place that does rounded corners, which are very nice.

Taccola said...

Glad I posted on this! We had the mini cards before, and they're great fun things, but not ideal for business, however as Brett's said, they didn't used to do them.

I'm very impressed by the facility of their website as well as the quality of the cards.

What's the other place, Elleenr?

RB&CB said...

hey I like the look of the business cards! nice on the wall! - hope you guys are doing ok - just thought I would catch up with the blog