Friday, November 26, 2010

Storm & Sunset

Quite the evening.

I'd never seen the windmill work around 270 degrees within minutes before.

And then the sun went down.



Anonymous said...

Powerful! You all OK?

Taccola said...

Yes, fine, thanks. We were worried about crop (and car!) damage from hail, but thankfully there was no hail in the end. High winds, but no cyclones.

We just need to avoid the locusts now.

Snailspace said...

Damn. That's a "Grab Toto and the kids" sort of storm cloud.
Occurs to me you likely don't have a cellar there to cower in there, now do you?

Taccola said...

No we don't have a cellar. If we did, it would be full of water! We've had 100mm (nearly 4 in) water in less than three days. Luckily we are OK (cellarless and cycloneless) but there's flood warnings to the N and W of us.