I am browning meat for a casserole - not just browning it to grey-brown, but proper deep chestnut colour. This takes time, and in that time, I'm reading food blogs.
Hungry? I am.
And the dog is keeping a close eye on me.
Tomorrow, I'm going out for lunch at this creperie, and I have followed my nose to a number of delicious food blogs full of ideas and delights. Here are three of them. Hold on to your tummy: it's gonna rumble!
A Goddess in the Kitchen has got good ideas, lovely photos, and some attitude. I loved her post about cupcakes.
Feast your eyes and follow your nose for inspiration on The Elegant Sufficiency. I stayed here so long that I almost burned the meat! (Now safety tucked away and blurping under a blanket of wine, carrots and fennel)
Lobstersquad, all the way from Madrid. Packed with gorgeous drawings and lovely links to recipes. I need to read more of this one....
For dessert, there will be fresh strawberries. I've cut them into pieces and tossed them with 1/2 tsp of good balsamic vinegar and 2 tsp of castor sugar, a tip from Nigella Lawson's Feast. The sweetness will be astounding, when we eat them after they've had an hour to sit, covered on the side, gathering juice.

1 comment:
I recognise that table. It had roast pumpkin on when we sat at it and Lizzie sat in the blue chair. That would be about 2002/2003
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