Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello-Bonjour Zach!

The clan increases.

Bev's sister Tam has had her boy Zachary James safely, and both mother and baby are doing well, and back at home with grandmother and grandfather. Bev's now an Auntie by blood, which sounds rather Dracula!

Of course, thanks to the wonders of the interweb and some newish equipment, we were able to use Skype for a videoconference. How 2001 A Space Odyssey, eh?

Unfortunately, due to some careless backlighting it all rather looked like a ransom demand, crossed with Munch's 'The Scream' particularly when Zach yawned mightily, and gathered a worried look from the new mum. (The little mite didn't really scream, of course.)

Bev's threatened to sketch up Zach's view later...

PS: (And, lifted from Bev's blog here, This is a photo of her Great-Grandmother holding her Grandmother. In 1915. Don't they look gorgeous?)

Congratulations! (Félicitations!) to all.

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